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What can you expect from Scorpio Season 2024? Find out in these horoscopes!

Lips slightly open and sultry
Scorpio Season, kinky time begins

Welcome to Scorpio Season, the zodiac’s darkest, most fascinating sign. Ruled by belligerent Mars (ancient astrologers called this heavenly body “the Knife”), there is an excessive energy to Scorpio, under whose cosmic influence we may find ourselves extra strong in our opinions, more sexual in our desires, increasingly fatal in our attractions, and obsessive in our pursuits. Ok, maybe Scorpio’s season won’t be that excessive, but you get the point: prepare for an intensification in our individual and collective lives, especially after the balanced nature of Libra season, from which we’ve just emerged.

In terms of element and modality, Scorpio is fixed water. Where fellow water sign, Pisces, is all wishy-washy and overflowing, Scorpio energy tends to stew on things. You might find yourself fixating on slights more than usual over the next couple weeks. Obsess, instead, on a work project with new found vigour. This is the good version of Scorpio–intensity around planning and executing our strategic vision.

Finally, Halloween occurs during Scorpio season for a reason. This is a sign related to all things occult, witchy, erotically outré. Indulge such impulses somewhat, just don’t make your house too dark and haunted over the next few weeks.




The sun lights up your ego zone for your season until the 22nd of November. The sun indicates an extra strong impulse towards caring for yourself without the harsh sting of self-reproach that can come from your ruling planet, angry Mars. Welcome this softening energy into your life for the next four weeks. With the Mercury also illuminating your Selfhood zone for the next few weeks, anticipate your valorous deeds to be better seen by others. A New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st is your best day for strong willed resolutions. That said, be aware Mars is throwing a tough opposition to Pluto throughout most of your birthday month, stirring up some intense vibes. While it might feel challenging, this energy can also be a powerhouse for fighting for what you really want. A dramatic birthday month. But would your nature have it any other way?


Venus has officially rolled into your sign, and until November 11th, it's setting up camp in the part of your chart that rules how you look and how you show up in the world. In other words, it’s your yearly Venus glow-up, and you’re about to feel amazing without even trying. You’re glowing. Like, seriously—there’s this low-key, unbothered confidence radiating from you, and people are notices. It's not about trying too hard; it’s about owning exactly who you are, embracing the messy, wild, authentic parts of yourself that make you... you. And here’s the thing—you’re not just ready for new adventures; you look like you're already in the middle of one. There’s a carefree, adventurous energy surrounding you, and it’s pulling in all the right attention. This is your moment—enjoy it.


On November 15th, Saturn, your stern ruling planet, wakes up from a sleepy retrograde halfway through Scorpio season. Whenever a planet is retrograde its influence isn’t as crisp or sharp. For Saturn, that means less discipline, order, and desire for hard work. This wobbly version of Planet Taskmaster ends mid November. It will emerge stronger from its retrograde in the Communication zone of your chart, which deals with writing, community, and siblings. Now is a time to get your poetry and prose for work and for pleasure into shape and ready to send to supervisors, thesis advisors, publishers. A non-retrograde Saturn in the Comms zone helps bring organisational clarity and structure to the blob-like mass of our thoughts, paragraphs, arguments, and verse.


You’re ruled by stern Saturn, a slow-moving planet quite unlike, say, the fleet-footedness of Mercury, Venus or Mars. Because of its tortoise-like pace, we need to pay attention to Saturn’s comparatively rare astrological motions. Heed, therefore, November 15th: Saturn emerges from a retrograde transit and starts going “direct” in the Money zone of your chart. Retrogrades tend to stymie a planet’s influence. In the case of a Saturn retro, we can expect less discipline, order, and desire for hard work. But this compromised Saturn returns mid-way through Scorpio seasons to its usual, demanding ways. For you, that means a boost of discipline around finances, earning potential, and budgetary acumen. If before November 15th, money matters were feeling a bit wobbly, now is the time to start saving, thinking of longer term goals. Saturn auspiciously placed is perfect for such ends.


The Sun-in-Scorpio lends our lives an obsessive energy, since, well, Scorpio is our most obsessive sign. With this cosmic interrogation light irradiating the Knowledge and Spirituality zone of your chart this season, it’s time for you to get more serious about spiritual practices and/or theoretical books on topics that pique your interest. If you’re in University, this is a month for getting ahead of the curve on a paper due at semester’s end. If you’re out of school, think about classes online to broaden the knowledge base requisite for your career. Indeed, some Scorpionic obsession can be a good thing, when it comes to research or putting in place the discipline necessary for spiritual growth. A Scorpio New Moon in your Spirituality zone on November 1st betokens the strongest date of the month for fixating on a mantra, yoga pose, or verse from a sacred text that could lead you to Nirvana.


Your ruling planet, rambunctious and randy Mars, is ensconced in a very intimate part of your chart. Things could be a little spicy on the home front. Expect a surge of energy around your private life—whether it's family, your living space, or just personal roots. It can stir up some tension, especially if old issues bubble to the surface, but it’s also a chance to channel that fiery Mars drive into fixing things, setting boundaries, or making bold changes at home. You might even feel this urge to redecorate or physically reshape your environment. Just remember, Mars doesn't do ‘chill,’ so expect a bit of intensity here.


Your ruling planet, ritzy Venus, is ensconced in the Red Light District of your chart, also known as the 8th House of Sex. Venus energy has to do with seduction and lust, sweetness and fornicating. And when it’s placed in the Intimacy sector of our charts, these libidinous impulses get amplified. Expect more energy for liaisons, assignations, dating, dalliances, and love-making due to this Venus transit. But, as is always the case with astrology, also prepare for the transit’s shadow side. Venus's normally sweet and harmonious energy can take on a more intense, sometimes obsessive edge in this part of the chart. It’s that weird, messy energy where you’re side-eyeing hidden agendas or getting sucked into power struggles you didn’t even sign up for. But honestly? This transit can also make you feel super open to deep, intense connection. The trick is not getting caught up in the drama. Lean into the amor, focus on bonding, and try not to let those emotional entanglements pull you too far under.


Your ruling planet, chatty Mercury, dips into witchy-woo Scorpio for a couple weeks to start this season. There, it will be activating your zone of Routine, Health, and Diet. Mercury-in-Scorpio can be super precise, mincing, and anal. When energising the Routine zone of your chart, therefore, this transit could manifest in obsessiveness around calorie counting, exercising, reps at the gym, schedules, etc. For your mutable air nature, this Mercury-in-Scorpio placement can be a bit of a drag—but maybe you need a bit more order in life? Work with the transit, as much as possible. On November 3rd, Mercury thankfully flits into fun-loving Sagittarius, where it activates your Partnership zone. Sagittarius is an expansive sign and Mercury a communicative planet. As such, you may be more prone to make bold pronouncements to a love interest or put forth grandiose mission statements to a business partner. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, though.


With steroidal Mars in your sign for this Scorpio season, you’ve got a lot of cosmic energy impacting themes related to recreation, procreation, and creativity. Mars, especially, brings libidinal swagger, but it can also lead to confrontations. Both boudoir and your local bar might feel extra spicy, accordingly, as you find yourself sassier, friskier, and fresher than normal with others. Your ruling planet, the moody Moon, will be new in Scorpio on November 1st where it also activates your Romance zone. Here, you could emotionally fixate on a love-interest (checking texts too much and fretting). Meanwhile, a Full Moon in Taurus on November 15th in your Friendship zone augurs a fun day for friends or social networking.


This could be a bit of a hibernation month for you. Your ruling planet, the regal Sun, is camped out in the shadowlands of Scorpio, where it will be activating the private Home zone of your chart. Scorpio is also intensely private, so you have a double whammy of introspective energy impacting you. Moreover, this part of the chart deals with fathers and father figures. Given that Mercury, planet of communication, will be likewise transiting the Home zone, there could be some important conversations with topics arising around dad, home-life, property, and such. If you live with someone, you might make a somewhat prickly roommate, too, over the next few weeks. Factor that into your calculus. All that said, let’s try to see the positive, as well. Scorpio Sun+Mercury bring gusto and drive, which could betoken a yen for re-arranging, renovating, or improving something about your hearth.


Until November 3rd, focus on communication. Why? Well, your ruling planet, Mercury (speech, words, contracts, commerce, exchanges) will be in Scorpio, activating your Comms zone. So, you have a double dose around expressing yourself, writing, and speech-making. What’s more, Mercury+Scorpio+Virgo forms a holy trifecta of attention to detail, so this is a very good moment to look at the way you’re using words with the aim of making yourself even more precise. Social media, messaging, branding: all could benefit from this transit. While this is time to make your words razor sharp, you might, by the same token, come across as razor sharp to others (in a negative way). You might need to hone your apology skills, accordingly. On November 3rd, Mercury moves into optimistic Sagittarius, where it powers up your Home zone. Mercury so placed portends enhanced creativity on how to make your space livable.


Money, money, money. Money. The Scorpio sun, which loves to dig deep into all matters, including those financial, will be lighting up your cash zone this season. What’s more, you’ve got a new moon and full moon in parts of your chart dealing with finances, too. As an air sign, you can be somewhat breezy with funds, but Scorpio wants to strategise about ways to make and keep dough. Welcome this strategic energy into your pocketbook. On the 15th, a full moon in your zone of shared finances indicates that a debt could be repaid to you or owed to someone else. This is the area of your chart related to tax, other people’s money, inheritance, and loans.


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