Until November 11th 2024, lovely Venus will be hanging out in Sagittarius, the on-the-go mutable fire sign, best understood by its image, the Archer, a half-human/half-horse hybrid, whose arrow is hoisted heavenward toward higher truths while its hoofs hit the hard heath hankering after hijinks.
Like Gemini (the Twins), Sadge is a dual sign, riven by contradictions (noble pursuits of man mixed with the bawdy instincts of the beast). But this duality is also what makes Sagittarius so interesting–especially for Venus (love, money, and beauty), a planet that will be more prone to play in this placement, especially after its recent cat-in-the-bath grumpfest through the obsessive Big Sting’s difficult fixed-water energy.
If Venus-in-Scorpio infused romance with a darker, more obsessive tint, this upcoming Venus-in-Sadge transit will thankfully ask us to show love in a more direct and lighthearted manner, inspiring us to embrace the Sagittarius side of life: adventure, bold pronouncements, and glass-half-full generosity.
Part of the reason for this overall optimism around romance has to do with the coincident placement of Sagittarius’s ruling planet, Jupiter. Jupiter is like that friend who’s always encouraging you to take the leap, the one who’s like, “Just do it! What’s the worst that could happen?” This planet is all about expansion, growth, and pushing boundaries, which means it’s the cosmic cheerleader for love, adventure, and spontaneity right now. When Jupiter’s in the mix, things feel bigger—like your heart, your desires, and even your ability to connect with others.
So, with Venus (planet love) in a very optimistic place for the the next three weeks, and now we need to get you, dear reader, well-positioned, too, in order to take advantage of this great romance placement. Here are a few bits of advice, in no particular order.
Be super clear with your romance intentions over the next few weeks. The Archer likes a good target to hit–and with Venus in its sign, its arrows should function more like Cupid’s. At whom do you wish to aim your love-shaft (or by whose love-shaft do you want to be penetrated)? These are the kinds of questions we need to be asking and acting on. If you’re already coupled up, use these Venus-in-Sadge love-shafts to further pierce the hearts of each other. Or, because Sagittarius is the most giving sing, think about setting up your single ladies (and/or gents) with friendly crossfire. Figure out your target, and finger your bow.
The rock band, Aerosmith, popularised this phrase with their hit single of the same title from 1989. Ultimately, the song advocates getting creative, spontaneous. and adventurous in where we choose to make love. To align with Venus-in-Sagittarius energy, then, we need to take to heart the message ofAerosmith’s lead single from their multi-platinum album, “Pump.” Think outside the box or the narrow confines of the boudoir to make your romantic life pump, as well.
During this transit, it’s important to shift our focus from pure consumerism to something more meaningful. Instead of diving into the flashy energy that Venus brings, why not align with Sagittarius’s more philanthropic spirit on at least one day? Think less about material excess and more about giving back—whether it’s through volunteering, donating, or simply offering your time and love to those in need. We’re not suggesting that you completely ditch the fun and indulgence that often come with this time of year, but rather that you blend the heart-centered energy of Venus with the generosity of Sagittarius. This combination encourages us to embrace the spiritual and nurturing aspects of Sagittarius, reminding us that true abundance comes from sharing our blessings and making a positive impact in the lives of others.
Now, as with all transits, some days are bigger than others. Here are three to take special note of.
October 28th 2024 (Venus square Saturn)
On October 28th, Venus faces a tough challenge as it forms a square (a difficult aspect) with Saturn, the planet of restriction and boundaries. This energy can feel like rejection, denial, or a hard "no," so it’s best not to wear your heart on your sleeve, as emotional vulnerability is likely to lead to disappointment. However, even challenging aspects have their purpose. With Saturn in Pisces receiving Venus, Saturn will at least hear out Venus’s desires, though it may require negotiation and compromise to reach any agreement. Venus may feel more strained than Saturn in this dynamic, but the tension offers a valuable reality check. This square is useful for setting boundaries, reassessing relationships with a practical mindset, and making mature commitments. While it’s not a time for spontaneous affection, the energy supports disciplined love and emotional responsibility, laying the groundwork for stronger, more stable connections in the long run.
November 3rd 2024 (Mercury in Sagittarius)
On November 3rd, chatty Mercury joins Venus in Sagittarius. These two planets together with the Archer are loud, vocal, and social. What’s more, Sadge is all about going viral. With this broadcast energy around love (Mercury and Sadge impacting Venus), this could be a great day to tell people how much you care about them, to confess your desire to a crush, or make it official with someone and then emblazon your newly minted relationship status on social media for all to be jealous about.
November 4th 2024 (Moon in Sagittarius)
On November 4th, the Moon will hold hands with Venus in a lovely conjunction. The Moon is about feeling and Venus-in-Sadge is particularly social. You should feel more at ease around other people and comfortable in public around this date. If you’re one of the more reserved or private signs (Capricorn, Scorpio, Cancer), come out of your shell this day. And if you’re one of the more social signs, you will be in even finer form.
November 9th 2024 (Venus square Neptune)
And, finally, on November 9th, just as Venus is about to peace out of wild-and-free Sagittarius, she makes a messy little square with Neptune in Pisces. And let me tell you—this is like getting a drunk text from your ex at 2 a.m. saying, “I’ve changed.” Spoiler: they haven’t. It’s confusion central. You might think you’ve stumbled upon the perfect love story, a creative epiphany, or an emotional breakthrough—only to wake up the next morning wondering if any of it was real.
This is peak rose-colored glasses energy, where everything feels magical and significant... but also kinda slippery. Boundaries? Never heard of her. Plans? They dissolve faster than your willpower at a midnight taco truck. Neptune lures Venus into believing in the impossible dream, but when reality kicks in, it’s like realizing you sent five voice notes you really shouldn't have.
Here’s the thing, though: this square isn’t all bad. It’s ideal for creative daydreams, emotional healing, and surrendering to the unknown (hello, bubble baths and crying to Joni Mitchell). Just don’t sign any contracts, declare undying love, or get matching tattoos on this day. Let the fantasy run its course—just make sure you double-check the text before you hit send.
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