Venus activates your 5th House of Fun, Romance, and Creativity, where it has its “joy.” This part of the chart inspires us to be outside more. It’s also related to nightlife. Venus-in-Leo, moreover, betokens “be seen” vibes. Your nature is to act alone—-but this transit through your Fun zone invites togetherness and connection. July designates peak romance for the year. Aim to be out-and-about as much as possible right now.
Venus is your ruling planet, so transits involving it tend to resonate with you more than a Capricorn or an Aquarius. For now until the August 3rd, your Home zone will be impacted by Venus-in-Leo. Leo wants to “show off” and Venus wants to “show love.” Combine these impulses. Put some love into your home with a renovation project (Venus) and then show it off to friends when the transit is over. The New Moon on August 4th can be a nice night to have people by to celebrate the Venusian touches to your abode.
You already have the gift of the gab, but this transit really highlights the power of words for you, as Venus activates your 3rd House of Communication until August 3rd. Leo energy, moreover, is all about public life, broadcasting, and being at the centre-of-attention. Write, post, tweet, start a PR campaign: anything to do with talking and branding comes easy to you right now.
Venus will energise the Money zone of your chart until August 3rd. Because Planet Love will be influenced by Leo’s showy nature, you might be drawn somewhat out of your shell to invest in things that are of slightly more flamboyant bent. Expect a boost in your earning potential and maybe some fun splurges. It's a great time to invest in what makes you happy and comfortable, and you'll likely enjoy being generous with loved ones. Overall, this transit is all about valuing yourself and enjoying a little extra abundance.
You’re at the epicentre of this big Venus transit. With Planet Love energising your House of Self (ego, appearance, identity), expect more love and attention from others: Venus will function as a cosmic force multiplier for various forms of adoration. But also, and more importantly, expect more kindness toward yourself overall. Venus is like sugar in coffee—-it takes the bitter taste of self-recrimination away.
For the next few weeks, Venus activates your 12th House, a private and hidden part of the chart. The tension of this transit has mainly to do with Leo’s influence: it’s a very public presence. Conflicts could arise between things like a lover wanting to make your romance more “official.” Or maybe a yen for spirituality might headbutt with professional or romantic obligations that require you to be in the public eye.
Venus rules your sign, so transits involving it are always extra special for you. For the next few months, Planet Love will be activating your 11th House of Friendship. With Leo’s extroverted influence at play, too, you could attract new acquaintances, as people tend to be especially drawn to Venus-in-Leo energy. You might find yourself stepping into leadership roles in group projects, with your ideas getting the applause they deserve. Plus, this vibe helps you align your big dreams with your social circles, boosting your visibility and influence.
Being ruled by Mars, you can come across as extremely focused and ambitious in work (not a bad thing at all). But sometimes all that strategy and attitude can rub people the wrong way. Worry not: With Venus-in-Leo energising your zone of Public Persona until August 3rd, expect more charm (Venus) and recognition (Leo) for jobs well done. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar—-and Venus-in-Leo is very sweet.
Venus brings love to people, places, and things, depending on where it hits one’s chart. July finds this benefic Venusian influence activating your zone of Higher Learning, Travel, and Knowledge. This can mean a new found love of learning (taking classes to expand your professional or personal knowledge base), or finding love by meeting people in classes, seminars, library, or travel.
Venus will be hanging out in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources until August 3rd. With showy Leo fueling Venusian themes (love, desire, play), be open to more exhibitionistic or public forms of intimacy: tasteful displays of affection with a partner on the street, pronouncements of feelings. This is all very anti-Capricorn, true, but you need to work with Cosmos, Goat.
The Relationship sector of your chart will be empowered by the Venus-in-Leo placement throughout July and into the first few days of August. Venus stands for love; Leo is all about displaying things. The astrological advice pertains to showing more care and affection to a partner. Engage in bigger romantic gestures. Add some Leo drama and flair to your love life and language. Such moves will also get you out of that cerebral Aquarian nature of yours. All in all, this is a great time for romance (with a bit of Leo pomp and circumstance).
Planet Love highlights your House of Health, Routine, and Diet until August 3rd. Venus beautifies, so turn tasks and routines into rituals and ceremonies. Make the hum-drum feel hallowed. Buy a beautiful new notebook for your “to-do” lists and colour code your tasks with cute markers. Go to TikTok and watch some videos on how to cut a mango so it looks like a flower. Those kinds of things.