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Venus in Capricorn Transit: What it Means & Which Signs it Most Impacts

A man and a woman driving
Venus in Capricorn

On November 11th bejewelled Venus, planet of Love and Money, will become ensconced in conservative Capricorn, the serious, Saturn-ruled Cardinal earth sign that prefers its tea lukewarm. Under Capricorn’s influence, which tends toward no-frills formality, Venus gets more buttoned up, trading in evening wear for a sensible, though still chic blazer and trousers ensemble. In essence, Venus-in-Capricorn is more mature. Marriage and savings (rather than flirting and splurging) shape the architecture of this transit which will be prevalent in our skies until the 7th of December.

First, then, a word or so on Venus, the main character in this drama. People often get somewhat confused by the fact that Venus governs both love and money. The sentiment usually goes that love seems contrary to or above something as crass as cash. If, however, we think of the “V” in Venus as also standing for things we Value, perhaps this money-love nexus makes a bit more sense. Indeed Venus names the desire that helps us identify and connect to things we hold dear–be they material objects (via money) or spiritual subjects (via love). Ultimately Venus functions as a kind of cosmic glue (unlike, say, Mars, the cosmic knife).

The Goat has a grounding, stabilising effect on Venus. It’s a reflective, slow-moving sign, governed by Saturn, which relishes longevity. But Capricorn can also be distanced and removed. The concern for this Venus transit, then, isn’t too much attachment, but, perhaps, too much detachment. You may find yourself wishing for more space to yourself to reflect on love, partnerships, or how you’re spending your time (Capricorn) and money (Venus and Capricorn). Indeed Capricorn could also have you feeling extra frugal, maybe miserly. With Capricorn in the picture, there might be an overly calculating, dry, or non-emotional approach to things we hold dear. As such, loved ones may feel put at a distance, as you think about your future and next moves.

A few words of advice then. Keep your communication open. Don’t go on long walks alone in the cold or retreat into the private fictional world of “Pride and Prejudice,” thinking about the D’Arcy who got away. Instead, stay social and talkative. Looking ahead, there are a few particularly harmonious days in the coming month to enjoy Venus’s energy. On November 14th and 15th, the Moon in Taurus forms a lovely aspect to Venus, creating a nurturing, supportive vibe that’s ideal for connection, creativity, or simply enjoying life’s little pleasures. On 21st Venus and Saturn cuddle up to each other and both want to work together to move forward. This marks a great day to put into words things left unsaid. It’s a time to mend fences and bring loved ones together through the candlelit glow of words spoken at the right time. Then, on December 3rd and 4th, the Moon and Venus meet in a direct conjunction, making these dates especially favorable for romance, self-care, and any activities that bring beauty and balance into your life.

Venus in Capricorn is time to reassess our relation to love and money. Is it time to move on from your current living situation? Or is it time to put roots down somewhere with someone? Should you tie the knot? Or undo one? While these kinds of questions are always with us, they might feel heavier in the next month under the weight of Capricorn. The Venus of spring flings was yesteryear.

Signs most impacted

If you’re a Taurus or Libra Sun, Moon or Rising—Venus in Capricorn is about to walk into your life like the chic but slightly intimidating aunt who expects you to pull it together. This transit will push you to think practically about what you’re building, whether it’s in relationships, finances, or how you present yourself to the world. November 11th, offers an ideal moment to hit refresh—a chance to set intentions or start a new hobby that aligns with your evolving values and aspirations. This date brings supportive energy for laying the groundwork on something meaningful, whether it’s a project that excites you or a practice that adds balance and joy to your life. Consider it a gentle invitation from the universe to invest in pursuits that nourish you and have the potential to grow over time.

Now, for my Capricorns out there—whether that’s your Sun, Moon, or Rising—you’re getting the VIP treatment here. Venus is inviting you to double down on what matters most to you, adding a layer of sophistication and purpose to everything you’re drawn to. If you’re a Capricorn Sun, this might mean choosing relationships or projects that align with your bigger goals (no casual flings need apply). Capricorn Moons could feel a deeper pull towards loyalty and emotional reliability—no more half-hearted friendships or connections that feel hollow. And Capricorn risings? Venus is likely giving your look and style a sleek upgrade, as you redefine how you move through the world.

Venus Birthday

If you’re one of those people blessed with Venus in Capricorn in your birth chart, congratulations—you’re having a “Venus birthday.” This happens once a year when Venus returns to the same sign it was in at the moment you were born, and it’s like a cosmic little reminder to check in on your relationship to love, money, and even your own self-worth. For Venus-in-Capricorn people, this transit is practically made for you to indulge in your signature style: practical, refined, and more interested in “timelessly elegant” than “fleetingly cute.” It’s your annual cue to get clear on what you’re investing in emotionally and materially, and whether those investments actually have the kind of staying power Capricorn craves.

How this impacts the rest of us

But here’s the thing—this transit isn’t just for those “chosen few.” Knowing where Venus is in the sky helps all of us step up our game, reminding us that sometimes the things we love, the relationships we invest in, and even our style choices can have real meaning. It's the perfect time to put quality over quantity in relationships, finances, and even our personal style choices. Because sometimes, loving yourself means getting picky—choosing things, people, and experiences that are built to last.


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