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November horoscopes for each sign for Image Magazine

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November Horoscopes for each sign

The astrology for November is wild, with some seismic shift transits and a lot of loud opinions right in time for the U.S. elections. To wit: with chatty Mercury darting into big-mouth Sagittarius on November 2nd, the Stars are priming us for a “megaphone” transit, during which we can expect buffoons who know very little about anything to trumpet their “expertise” about everything. Alas. 

On the 5th, the plot thickens, as warlike Mars’s enters dramatic Leo. This transit coincides with election day in the States, and we can be certain Leo drama and Mars aggression will dominate the collective airwaves this date and beyond. 

And, then, don’t even get me started on bulldozer Pluto’s grand departure from Capricorn into Aquarius on the 19th. Whenever our darkest and most transformative planet switches signs, we can expect intensity, like the world order buckling under the weight of fascist political threats and violence. I will be very happy once we get to the end of November. If we’re still in one piece, it won’t because of Pluto, which usually portends doom. 

Finally, Spoiler alert: If you think November’s messy, December might be a whole new challenge with Mars, the cosmos’ resident bad boy, going retrograde and dragging us back over unresolved conflicts. But more on that next month. For now, let’s dig into what November holds for each sign.


With your ruling planet, steroidal Mars storming into Leo (fellow fire sign) on November 5th, creative pursuits and passions take centre stage this day. This transit can bring flings, fights, or both. Venus moving into cool-headed Capricorn on the 11th tightens your focus on career matters. Venus here tends to sweeten business negotiations. Good day for talking about promotions or raises at work. Ultimately, this month’s got major Mars vibes, though, and since it is your ruling planet, you may feel extra on edge the next couple weeks. Beware your partner. 


All month, Sun, Moon and chatbot Mercury dip in and out of twisted sister Scorpio, where they activate your Relationship zone. As a result, expect intensified erotic charge with your partner. On the 5th, Mars’s dramatic entrance into Leo, bringing a burst of energy (and possibly a bit of drama) to your domestic life. If tensions arise, channel that fiery energy into something productive rather than letting it spark arguments. On the 15th, the Full Moon in your sign teams up with unpredictable Uranus. Your emotions may be all over the map this day. Apologies to a spouse for freaking out something minor and inconsequential indicated. 


The New Moon at the start of November indicates a good time to get a fresh start in your daily life—whether it’s a new wellness regimen or finally achieving that elusive work-life balance you’ve been promising yourself. On the 2nd, chatty Mercury, your ruling planet, somersaults into your Relationship zone, followed by the entrance of romantic Venus a week later. This dynamic shift will be ideal for couples craving closeness, singles eager for some playful banter, or anyone seeking belonging within their circle of friends. From the 21st, the glass-half-full Sagittarius Sun shines brightly in your Partnership zone. Expect to feel more optimistic in love toward month’s end. 


November is your time to shine. You’re shaking off two major pressures this month. First, Mars leaves your sign on November 5th, ending a two month period of tension and conflict. You’ll feel a huge sense of relief as things settle down. Then, on the 19th, problem child Pluto finally exits your relationship zone, bringing an end to years of intense, transformative energy in this area of your life. As Venus enters Capricorn and your relationship zone on the 11th, romantic connections may deepen. This is the cosmos throwing you a bone after that long Pluto transit.. Bottom line: you’ll likely feel a little lighter by the end of the month.


For the first three weeks of November, the regal Sun, your ruler, is camped out in the shadowlands of Scorpio, where it will be activating the private Home zone of your chart. Scorpio is also intensely private, so you have a double whammy of introspective energy impacting you. Such introspection will go against your larger-than-life nature. To make things a bit more complicated, you have aggressive Mars entering your sign on November 5th. This placement augurs conflict with yourself. Lots of loggerheads energy to start the month. Bright side: the Sun joins fiery Sagittarius toward the end of November where it lights up your Romance zone. There is a nice ring to that. Passion returning. 


With the Scorpio Sun lighting up your writing and communications zone until the 21st, it’s the perfect time to tap into your creativity. Refine that pitch, draft that script, or write some heartfelt letters. If you have any projects on the horizon, use the first few weeks of the month to tackle those deadlines. Once the 21st hits, the Sun moves into Sagittarius, turning the spotlight on your Home zone and family. Embrace hygge, that Danish vibe of comfort and cosiness. Surround yourself with soft blankets, warm drinks, and the people who make you feel good. And here’s the good news: Saturn, the planet of responsibility, is moving direct on the 15th after a long retrograde that started at the end of June. Expect clarity on those things that have felt stuck, especially in the realm of partnerships. 


Until the 21st, the incisive Scorpio Sun activates the Money zone of your chart, which has to do with value in general. Scorpio is a shrewd, strategic energy. Take those unwanted musty dresses that no one wants in Grandma’s attic and re-sell them on ebay for rent money. On the 21st, the Sun struts into Sagittarius, where it lights up your Communication zone. There is a prolific quality to Sagittarius. If you’ve been blocked in what you’ve been able to say or write, anticipate movement towards months end. Words will flow more freely. Whether or not they fall on deaf ears will be a different matter. 


Your ruling planet, cutting Mars, moves into your Career & Reputation zone on the 5th. Just be mindful—Mars can sometimes have a “lone wolf” vibe, so if you're part of a team, beware of leaving your pack out in the wilderness, while you're on the hunt, making power plays. When Venus slides into Capricorn on the 11th, it's all about communication in relationships. If something’s been on your mind, now’s the time to spill. If you’re not ready to chat, don’t worry—things are bound to come to fruition by the 15th when the Full Moon lights up your Relationship zone. 


With Mercury entering your sign on November 2nd (and staying for a couple months!!), you’re the loudest voice in the room—but be careful not to overpromise!  As Mercury goes retrograde later in the month, it's important to be cautious about commitments. Take time to think things through before making any declarations! On the 21st, the Sun enters your sign, where it receiving a friendly aspect from fiery Mars. The Red Planet often has a reputation for being a bit of a troublemaker, but right now it’s actually in your corner, ready to fill your life with more energy and drive. Sun-in-Sadge betokens larger-than-life energy while Mars in Leo is serving up serious charisma. 


The Sun in Scorpio is activating your 11th house of Friendship. While your nature tends to be more solitary, the Stars are asking you to make time for deeper heart-to-hearts with your nearest and dearest over the next couple weeks. Just beware of spreading yourself too thin here. With some much energy in the Friendship zone, it can be easy to give–make sure you are receiving, too. On the 21st, the Sun shifts into your zone of the Unconscious. Solo-time is thus portended. If you’re feeling even less social than your Capricorn nature allows, it’s because the Sun is in a deeply introspective area of your chart. 

Aquarius Until the 21st with the Sun moving through Scorpio, lighting up your Career zone. In general you should have plenty of energy to get things done, which could lead to some well-deserved recognition for your efforts. Your public self is also a related theme this month. Just watch out for the 5th, when Mars shifts into fiery Leo, creating a tricky aspect that could affect your reputation. Mars can cause outbursts. Not a good look for cool Aquarius.. On the 21st, the Sun moves into fun-loving Sagittarius, where it lights up your Friendship zone. Lots of social buzz indicated here, as the Sun joins Mercury and Venus, which will add more sweetness and light to your adorkable nature.


Until the 21st, the Scorpio Sun energises your zone of Travel, Spirituality and Higher Learning Given Scorpio’s darker tendencies, you may find yourself drawn to literature, art, documentaries, and  topics of a more occult nature. On the 15th, Saturn, after five months of a wobbly retrograde, finally moves direct. This is the start of a new, more intentional chapter—Saturn brings clarity and discipline. Finally, on the 21st, the Sun glides into Sagittarius, shining a light on career. Sagittarius brings optimism and opportunity. Late November could be a good moment to apply for a new job–or look to work in a different department in your current one.


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