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June Horoscopes 2024


The Summer Solstice is fast approaching. What? How? In my mind, I’m still in winter flannels, puttering about the house, drinking hot toddies, and singing Christmas carols. Guess it’s time to look for my bikini. Farewell, sweet winter flannels. Fare thee well.  

While June isn’t blockbuster in terms of transits, we do have a few noteworthy ones. 

To wit, we begin the month in Gemini season: social, flirty, and fun. Then the Sun shifts into Cancer on June 20th: maternal, emotional, private. A study in contrasts. 

Aside from this solar transit between signs, there are a few noteworthy motions within them. 

On June 3rd, Mercury (communication) enters Gemini, which it rules. Whenever a ruling planet comes home, its influence gets sharper and crisper. Accordingly, June 3rd will be extra good for anything having to do with writing, hitting deadlines, presentations. 

War-like Mars moves from reckless Aries to low-key Taurus on June 9th. Relief. Mars-in-Aries is an aggressive transit. Mars-in-Taurus should turn down the interpersonal temperature for a bit.

A New Moon in the Twins on June 6th indicates a moment to set intentions for a two-week cycle that aligns with Gemini themes: being more curious about art, dating and flirting, socializing, making time for creative pursuits, etc. 

On the Solstice (June 21st): a Full Moon in adventurous Sagittarius. Full Moons indicate celebratory moments, which should nonetheless align with the sign they transit. Sagittarius is about giving, risking, questing, partying. Find some sort of Summer Solstice festival on the evening of June 21st and listen to music under the influence of this lunation.

Last but not least, we’ve prepared some June Horoscopes for you all below. Find out what the Stars have in store for you. And, as always, enjoy and stay starry-eyed!


Gregarious and socially brilliant, you're also the Zodiac’s most curious sign, especially when it comes to other people’s business. But with the Sun highlighting your zone of Ego, Selfhood, and Identity over the next few weeks, the Stars are inviting you to get more curious about your own interests, needs, and desires. Is it time for less serious commitments in romance? Should I look for a new place in Mayo or stay put in outlandishly priced Dublin? In sum: Get some clarity by being curious about yourself, Gemini. On the 20th, the Sun moves into caring Cancer, where it lights up your Money zone. There is a nostalgic energy to the Crab. Align with it by purchasing something of sentimental value that reminds you of halcyon times unencumbered by fretful pressures.


Until the 20th, the Sun activates your shadowy 12th House (known as “the Sanctuary,” as well as the “Site of Undoing”). Solar transits through this part of the chart invite us to review or reflect on the year that has just passed, as we head toward the rebirth of our season. Have I made progress toward my goals? Wait, have I even made any life goals to begin with? If not, use the next few weeks to formulate some. On the 20th, the Sun struts into your sign. Huzzah! Expect to feel even more your best self toward month’s end: caring, empathetic, maternal, loving. Anticipate, too, an increased yen for being around the house. Cancer is our most private sign.


Enjoy the first three weeks of May, dear Cat, because the social Gemini Sun activates your Friendship zone. Conversations with or confessions to friends should come easy, as Gemini has to do with facilitating communication in its various forms. Beware, however, of being too gossipy. Gemini’s shadow side is known for speaking behind the backs of others. Never a good look. On the 20th, the Sun dips into emotional Cancer, where it impacts your “House of Undoing,” a shadowy realm that deals with confinement and secrets. Doesn’t sound good, does it? Relax. Solar transits through this part of the chart ultimately indicate a time for introspection. Accordingly, you may be less social for a few weeks, as you ponder being, time, self, and other. 


A bit of charisma in the workplace indicated for the first few weeks of June. Why so? Well, naturally, because the charming Gemini Sun lights up your 10th House of Career. The Sun-in-Gemini is like a cosmic Gin and Tonic, making us a bit more loose and witty. The advice: be ready to impress the top brass with a droll turn of phrase at the next team-building corporate event. On the 20th, the Sun jets into sensitive Cancer, where it energizes your Friendship zone. Emotional processing with a distraught friend indicated. Why? In essence, this is a transit where deeper forms of care will be expected from your circle of BFFs. 


According to the Stars, at least, your theme over the next three weeks looks to be travel and learning, as the Sun-in-Gemini lights up your 9th House, which deals with distant lands, the search for higher knowledge, and expanding one’s horizons. Such a transit doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be vacationing in Thailand. Instead, insights or opportunities could arise through learning about lifeworlds outside of your usual purview. On the 20th, the Sun enters Cancer, our most maternal sign. There, it will be powering up your Career zone. Bringing in some (oat) milk and cookies for your co-workers indicated. Also indicated: telling them about all the things you learned of Thailand during your 9th House transit earlier in the month. 


Until June 20th, the flighty Sun-in-Gemini flits through your Intimacy zone, which deals with heavier themes: debt, the occult, transformation, and sex. Where Gemini energy is changeable, flexible, and light, the Intimacy section’s themes are not. What to do here? Become more Gemini. The Stars are saying: it’s time to let go of some weight in your life, especially related to shared finances and/or intimacy. Are you fighting with your partner about budgets—-and you’re refusing to budge? Gemini teaches us that there is wisdom in being a bit more breezy with situations: don’t fixate. On the 20th, the Sun links up with nostalgic Cancer, where it energizes your zone of Higher Learning. A yen to return to old books for insight could arise. 


For the first three weeks of June, the Stars are emphasizing romantic and professional relationships, as the easy Sun-in-Gemini transits your 7th House. Gemini energy helps us to be flexible and light-hearted. Accordingly, you may find yourself even more adaptable to the moods and travails of a help-mate or business partner around now. While adapting to a partner, especially in a time of need, is, of course, a great thing, beware of trivializing or taking their issues too lightly (Gemini’s influence can tend to be glib or superficial). On the 20th, the Sun enters Cancer, our most emotional and caring sign. There, it will impact your Intimacy zone. Exploring vulnerabilities indicated. 


Working-out and then love. Those are your two themes this month, according to the Heavens. To begin: you have the Sun-in-Gemini cruising through your zone of Routine, Health, and Diet until June 20th. Gemini’s energy—-infinitely curious about the world—-could lend you newfound interest in trending exercise routines and/or diet regimens. Prepare to get all excited about superfoods like flax and Acai berries, while enrolling in goat yoga classes (an actual thing apparently; look it up). On June 20th, the Sun shifts into maternal, caring, and loving Cancer, where it activates up your Relationship zone. Your gruff Capricorn nature should soften, as you find yourself oddly sentimental, leaving little poems by Derek Walcott under pillows for a help-mate to find and cherish.


Didn’t the Beach Boys have a song called “Fun, Fun, Fun”? Let me check Wikipedia…yep, here it is: “Fun, Fun, Fun,” released in 1964, peaked at number-five in the States, but failed to chart in the UK. All this is to say, you have the beachy Sun-in-Gemini amping up your Fun and Romance zone until June 20th. To cite the aforesaid Beach Boys song, why not align with this buoyant transit by cruising “to the hamburger stand now” and forgetting all about “the library like you told your old man now”? So, there’s that. Also, on the 20th, the Sun pops into sweet and caring Cancer, where it impacts your zone of Health, Routine, and Diet. Cancer craves comfort. Anticipate wanting to make your work environment feel more like a home (if you work remotely, well, you’re already there).  


Until the 20th, the socialite Sun-in-Gemini waltzes through your Home zone, which deals with property, legacy, family, roommates. As our most mutable sign, Gemini energy in this part of the chart wants to bring effervescence and change to the home, either by having people over for a night of Charades and healthy snacks, or by altering the look of your place. Align with the Twins by rearranging furniture or decluttering. In other words, making the home feel lighter for summer. Somber tones need to go. On the  20th, we begin maternal Cancer season, as the Sun moves into your zone of Fun and Romance. Your sensitive nature melds perfectly to Cancer. Expect deepening romantic bonds. The urge for deep care indicated. 


Communication, Ram, communication. For the first three weeks of June, that’s your theme. Why? Well, you have the loquacious Sun-in-Gemini highlighting your 3rd House, which deals with expressing yourself. As far as transits go, Gemini (the rhetorician) in this part of your chart suggests something auspicious. Take advantage. Up your social media presence or tackle grad school applications that require personal statements or essays. On the 20th, the Sun shimmies into emotional Cancer, where it will be influencing your Home zone. Cancer is a private sign. In this part of the chart, you may find yourself retreating somewhat from the madding crowd. 


Your Money zone is activated until June 20th, as the breezy Gemini Sun highlights this part of your chart. Gemini is our mutable air sign, meaning it’s about rapid exchanges. In the context of the Money zone, this can manifest in making hasty financial decisions, wanting to make too many purchases, losing valuables. Your nature can also be about decadent expenditure. Be on the lookout, therefore, for carelessness around finances now. On June 20th, we enter caring Cancer season. The Sun will be energizing your Communication zone. Cancer+communication can suggest a somewhat sentimental proclivity: writing nostalgic letters to school teachers or old friends, thanking them for what they meant to you. Nothing wrong with that.  


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